Party Games
Below is a list of all of our favorite party games!

Pictionary is "a fun game for families, parties, or any group activity, Pictionary is a drawing game where one person draws and other players try to guess what is being drawn. Pictionary is basically charades with drawing." (
Players: 2-4 teams Age: 8+ Playing Time: 30 minutes

Apples to Apples
"The party game Apples to Apples consists of two decks of cards: Things and Descriptions. Each round, the active player draws a Description card from the deck, then the other players each secretly choose the Thing card in hand that best matches that description and plays it face-down on the table. The active player then reveals these cards and chooses the Thing card that, in his opinion, best matches the Description card, which he awards to whoever played that Thing card. This player becomes the new active player for the next round." (
Players: 4-8 Age: 12+ Playing Time: 30 minutes

What Do You Meme
"What Do You Meme?® lets you compete with your friends and family to create the funniest memes. Each player draws seven caption cards. A designated photo card is chosen for the round, and placed on the easel, and everyone except the judge chooses a caption card to pair with the photo card, passing it to the judge face down." (
Players: 3+ Age: 17+ Playing Time: 30-60 minutes

Throw Throw Burrito
"Throw Throw Burrito is the world's first dodgeball card game! Try to collect matching sets of cards faster than your opponents while simultaneously ducking, dodging and throwing squishy airborne burritos. The cards you collect earn points, but getting hit by flying burritos loses them." (
Players 2-6 Age: 7+ Playing Time: 15 minutes

"What am I is a common question in the game of Hedbanz.Your job is to learn whether the card attached to your hedbanz is an animal, a food, or a man-made object. The faster you find out what you are, the faster you'll move around the board." (
Players: 3-10 Age: 8+ Playing Time: 30 minutes

"Codenames is an easy party game to solve puzzles. The game is divided into red and blue, each side has a team leader, the team leader's goal is to lead their team to the final victory. At the beginning of the game, there will be 25 cards on the table with different words. Each card has a corresponding position, representing different colors. Only the team leader can see the color of the card. The team leader should prompt according to the words, let his team members find out the cards of their corresponding colors, and find out all the cards of their own colors to win." (
Players: 2-8 Age: 14+ Playing Time: 15 minutes

The Chameleon
"In this board game, your job is to blend in and not get caught. Everyone else is trying to work out who the Chameleon is. Everyone suspects everyone else at the beginning. Using one carefully chosen word based on a secret topic, you each try to smoke out the Chameleon, who doesn’t know what the secret topic is." (
Players: 3-8 Age: 14+ Playing Time: 15 minutes